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December 7, 2016

Volunteer Today for the Central Houston Christmas Bird Count!

The Central Houston Christmas Bird Count is scheduled for Monday, December 19, 2016, between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This is your chance to collect vital information about local bird populations while enjoying Houston's crisp winter weather!

The Christmas Bird Count, organized by The Audubon Society with volunteers with the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, collects data on birds they see or hear during a specified time frame. Created in 1900, the event was originally proposed by Frank M. Chapman to count birds during the holidays rather than hunt them. Twenty seven dedicated birders held 25 bird counts during that initial event and tallied around 90 species in an area ranging from Toronto, Ontario, to Pacific California. Today, thousands of groups take part in this annual tradition.

The Central Houston Christmas Bird Count will cover a 15-mile diameter circle in one day for a snapshot of the species of birds that populate neighborhood parks and other sites in Houston. Last year, volunteers helped count 130 species.

All skill levels are welcome to participate in the Central Houston Christmas Bird Count and each group will have at least one experienced birder leading the way. Registration is required.  To register and for more information, please contact

For more information on the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, please visit or write to