District H

District H Best Practices During Disasters

District H communities have come up with some creative and innovative best practices of their own to help each other during times of disaster. Here are a few really good ideas that some District H neighborhoods have implemented before or during a disaster:

  • Identify neighbors who may need extra help during a disaster, and know who may need a knock on their door.
    (Example: the elderly, disabled, people with young children, or others with special needs.)
  • Survey neighbors to find out who has resources that may helpful.
    (Example: Know who has a pickup truck, medical training, chain saw, grill, pet kennels, a trailer, a generator,…)
  • Have a plan for how to communicate information with the neighborhood.
    (Example: During Hurricane Harvey, Independence Heights scheduled conference calls every other day with neighborhood church leaders to share info on needs and resources. “We need help making sandwiches to distribute.”  “We have volunteers who can help do that.”)
  • Have a plan for frozen water pipes.
    (Example: During the big freeze, Independence Heights organized a water bucket brigade so that neighbors with busted pipes could flush toilets.)