Drug breakthroughs in the last 100 years

Over the past 100 years, the number of pharmaceuticals employed to improve health and extend life has expanded considerably, prompting historians to call the 20th century the “golden age of medicine.”

Medical historians define four major breakthroughs:
1. Aspirin gave relief from pain.
2. Penicillin provided anti-infection therapy against previously untreatable diseases.
3. Cortisone mobilized the body’s self-defense mechanisms.
4. Streptomycin provided the first highly successful treatment for tuberculosis.



City of Houston
Health Fair

April 21, 2005
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.




Important note:
If you are enrolled in the medical, dental or supplemental insurance plans and don’t want to make any changes - don’t do anything. Your coverage will remain in effect through April 30, 2006.

Important note: For medical and dental plans, only new enrollees will receive new ID cards for May 1, 2005. Your current ID card has no expiration date. If you need additional or replacement ID cards, order them through the provider, as usual.






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