New Plays / Overview Supplemental Plans
Health Plan Highlights Flexible Spending Account (HFSA)
Service Areas Section 125
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Prescriptions Rules of the Game
Dental Plan Highlights Insider's tips


Section 125

Employees enrolled in medical, dental and supplemental insurance products can have deductions taken on a pretax basis, so your money goes further.

Pay lower taxes

Paying your contributions on a pretax basis will reflect a lower “taxable earnings” figure on your W2 – and that means you pay taxes on a lower amount. That usually means you see an increase in your take-home pay!

The one exception is for those enrolled in the voluntary disability benefit. Deductions for that are post-tax, so any disability benefit you receive from it is not taxable.

Here’s an example of how you benefit from paying for benefits with pretax dollars. This example is based on a married couple with three withholding allowances in 2010.

Example of pretax deduction savings




Gross bi-weekly pay



Employee pretax HMO premium -$132.71 $.00
Employee pretax DHMO premium -$13.73 $.00
Taxable income $1,353.56 $1,500.00
Federal withholding -$40.36 -$61.83
Social Security withholding -$83.92 -$93.00
Medicare withholding -$19.63 -$21.75
Emp. post-tax HMO premium N/A -$132.71
Emp. post-tax DHMO premium N/A -$13.73
Net biweekly pay $1,209.65 $1,176.98
Biweekly increase in
take-home pay
$32.67 $0
Annual increase in take-home pay $784.08 $0


Stay in the game
If you are enrolled in the medical, dental or supplemental insurance plans and don’t want to make any changes – don’t do anything. Your coverage will remain in effect through April 30, 2011.




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If there exists a conflict between this Enrollment Guide Website and the official plan documents for each plan, the official plan documents will prevail. The city of Houston reserves the right to change, modify, increase or terminate any benefits.