Performance indicator:

Percentage of Residents Within a Half Mile (10-Minute Walk) of a Park

Indicator description:

This indicator provides a measure of residents’ access to recreational opportunities. The indicator identifies the percentage of residents within a half mile, or 10-minute walk of a park, measured for the City of Houston. A park is land dedicated for public recreational use and land owned by regional, state, and federal agencies. This may include land, open spaces and wetlands that are kept in a natural state for the enjoyment and recreation of visitors. Parks may be built environments such as a city square or plaza. Parks may or may not feature buildings. All are maintained for recreational, ornamental and public purposes. A bikeway is defined as either an on-road or off-road trail that connects to parks and trails. A greenway is defined as a linear trail or park that can be adjacent to water. A trail is defined as either a loop within a park or linear system of connectivity and recreation.

This indicator is associated with the following goals:

Note: Plan Houston's performance indicators are intended to inform the public and policy makers on the community's success at achieving Plan Houston's community goals. Identifying current performance is a first step; future steps could include tracking progress over time and establishing preferences on outcomes.