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December 30, 2016

2016: Working Together for Houston
By: Mayor Sylvester Turner

Mayor Sylvester Turner

Watch my year in review video here

It was almost a year ago that I took the oath of office to be your mayor.  My promise was that tomorrow will be better than today.  It's the same promise my mother made to me when I was growing up in Acres Homes.  If you think about it the promise of a better tomorrow is what has driven Houston from the start.  As I look back on this first year in office, I am both proud and humbled by what we have achieved.  As I greet the never-ending challenges of managing the 4th largest city in the nation, I feel support and guidance from places I never expected.  Your willingness to cross political lines, set aside long held differences of opinion and listen to one another is allowing us to achieve big things for this great city.  We are working together in ways never before seen.  Hand in hand, we are building the Houston of tomorrow - a Houston with better roads, a Houston with secure finances, a Houston where everyone feels safe.

Please read the rest of my end of year letter to Houston here!

Wishing you all the best in 2017,

Sylvester Turner Signature

Sylvester Turner