Performance indicator:

Linear Feet of Sidewalks

Source: Public Works and Engineering

Indicator description:

Complete street design includes features such as street trees, wide sidewalks, and pedestrian, bicycle and transit access. Calculated as the linear feet of continuous sidewalks along roads, this indicator is a measure of meeting the safety needs of people of all ages and abilities. The percentages of gaps in the sidewalk network are an indicator of areas and neighborhoods in the community underserved by these facilities. Increased connectivity between neighborhoods and parks, open spaces and greenways through the use of sidewalks increases opportunities for multimodal transportation. No comprehensive data source for sidewalks exists today.

This indicator is associated with the following goals:

Note: Plan Houston's performance indicators are intended to inform the public and policy makers on the community's success at achieving Plan Houston's community goals. Identifying current performance is a first step; future steps could include tracking progress over time and establishing preferences on outcomes.