Strategic Procurement Division

Supplier Portal

If you have previously registered with the City of Houston and have a vendor number, please DO NOT use New Supplier Registration link. In order to avoid duplication and allow legacy suppliers to continue using the existing vendor number, we have sent out invitation to your email in record. Please use the link in the email to complete the process. If you have not received any invitation email, please contact

If you have already submitted a new request on Ariba Network, we will review your request and deny it once we find duplicated record(s).



Q: I am a registered supplier with the City of Houston, why do I need to register again?

A: The City of Houston has moved its procurement process to SAP Business/Ariba Network. All the suppliers need to have an account in SAP Business Network in order to continue to do business with the City of Houston. To avoid duplication, registration invitations were sent to our suppliers to complete the registration process. Please use the link in email to review and submit the registration form.


Q: I am new to do business with the City of Houston, where do I start?

A: Please click the New Supplier Registration button above to submit a Supplier Request Form. Once your request form is approved, you will be able to review and participate in the City of Houston solicitations found in the SAP Business Nework Discovery page.


Q: What is the cost to register on SAP Business Network?

A: It is free to create an account on SAP Business Network and become a registered supplier with the City of Houston. Once your supplier request form is approved, you will be able to search and respond to City of Houston solicitations within the SAP Business Network Discovery page.