POLICE Department
Dental Care Payments for Crime Victims
Compensation may be available to cover victim dental costs if the treatment is necessary and crime-related.
Once your application is approved, we will work with you to determine what dental costs are eligible for compensation.
What Dental Costs Are Covered?
The dental treatment must be:
- Necessary
- Reasonable
- Directly related to the crime
CVC recommends you receive a pre-estimate from your dentist before any dental work begins.
Dental problems that existed before the crime will not be covered by CVC.
Who May Receive Compensation?
Victims who receive crime-related dental care or claimants who pay crime-related dental care costs on behalf of a victim may be eligible for compensation.
Compensation Limit
Total compensation is limited to $50,000.
CVC is the last source of payment by law. All other readily available resources must pay before any payment by the program. Learn more about payment sources at Covered Costs.
Related Documentation
Dental bills can be paid directly to the provider or reimbursed to the victim. CVC highly encourages dental providers to communicate with CVC prior to providing treatment. If you expect to have crime-related dental costs, discuss with your case manager the best option for compensation.
As your application is being processed, be prepared to provide copies of:
- Pre-estimate from provider
- Itemized dental bills
- Receipts for paid bills
- Insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
- Dental insurance card (showing coverage effective date)
We will tell you what documentation to mail to CVC and when.
Information for Dental Providers
A dental provider should provide an evaluation and treatment plan to CVC prior to treating the victim.
CVC is the last source of payment. All bills should first be submitted to the victim’s dental insurance. If there is no dental insurance, the provider should submit the evaluation and treatment plan to CVC for pre-estimate. If CVC staff find the victim does have dental insurance, the bill may be denied unless the insurance company provides proof of non-payment.
The treatment plan must include the provider's tax identification number, proposed procedure date, American Dental Association (ADA) dental codes, tooth numbers if applicable, diagnosis codes, and proposed fees. Additionally, the dental provider should submit a narrative describing the crime-related dental injuries and the treatment recommended.
Once the plan is received, CVC will submit it to the medical auditor to determine fair and reasonable rates. The provider will then be notified of approved rates. Providers are unable to balance bill the patient.
After service is provided, the dental provider may submit the bill for payment to CVC. Please include the patient’s CVC claim number on all information sent to CVC.
Dental bills should be submitted on an ADA claim form with a copy of the EOB from the insurance provider. An itemized bill with appropriate ADA codes is also acceptable.
The ADA form or itemized bill must include:
- A patient’s name and address
- Date(s) of service
- Type(s) of service(s) provided (diagnosis and procedure codes)
- A billed amount
- A provider’s license number, federal tax identification number (FEIN or SSN), business address, telephone number, signature or signature stamp, and billing dates
- Collateral source information
The bill(s) and accompanying documentation should be sent to CVC:
Crime Victim Services
P.O. Box 12198
Austin, Texas 78711-2198