POLICE Department
Funeral Cost Reimbursement for Crime Victims
Compensation may be available to cover the costs related to a victim’s funeral and burial.
Once your application is approved, we will work with you to determine what funeral costs are eligible for compensation.
What Funeral Costs Are Covered?
Reimbursement for funeral costs such as:
- Professional services for funeral and burial services, flowers, caskets, urns, and grave markers
- Transportation of deceased over 50 miles
Compensation may be available for loss of earnings and travel to attend the funeral. See Loss of Earnings and Travel for more information.
Who May Receive Compensation?
Individuals who incur the cost of the funeral and burial may be eligible for compensation. If more than one person pays for the funeral, the costs will be prorated.
Compensation Limits
Compensation for funeral and burial costs is limited to $6,500 for dates of crime after July 14, 2016. For dates of crime before this, other limits will apply.
Costs for transporting the deceased over 50 miles one way is not counted towards the funeral limits.
CVC is the last source of payment by law. All other readily available resources must pay before any payment by the program. Learn more about payment sources at Covered Costs.
Related Documentation
As your application is being processed, be prepared to provide copies of:
- Signed, itemized funeral purchase agreement/contract
- Proof of payment if payments were made
- Death Certificate if necessary
- Burial/life insurance policy if payments were made
- Burial Transit Permit or appropriate documentation from a government agency to transport body
We will tell you what documentation to mail to CVC and when.
Information for Funeral Providers
To receive funds for funeral services, submit the following:
- Signed, itemized FPA
- Receipts for any payments made to the funeral home (third party payments, family member payments, etc.)
- The funeral home Tax Identification Number
- Transportation Information and Documentation*
- Cash advance items, charges from other funeral homes, etc.
- Receipts, invoices, and/or contracts if the FPA includes charges for services rendered by other providers (other funeral home, shipping services, cemeteries, air freight, etc.)
- General Price List for the funeral home may be required if CVC does not have a current copy
Funeral Purchase Agreement
To receive payment for funeral services, you must submit a FPA that meets the following guidelines:
- Must be legible, contain the date of service, and be signed by the funeral home representative and a valid claimant (person accepting financial responsibility must be added to the claim by completing the claimant portion of the CVC application)
- Must be the final version of the agreement (not an estimate)
- Must be verifiable, usual and customary charges and in compliance with the Rules of the Texas Funeral Services Commission
- Revisions to the FPA must be approved by both parties and a revised FPA must be submitted with appropriate signatures
Transportation Information and Documentation
To receive reimbursement for transportation charges more than 50 miles (one-way) you must submit the following documentation:
- The start and final destination addresses for the remains including the location of the funeral (city, state, or country) and burial site
- If transportation occurred between two funeral homes, receipts and contracts from both funeral homes must be submitted
- If the body is shipped by air, a copy of the air bill (listing the victim’s name) must be submitted
- If the body is transported to another state or country, you must include the Burial Transit Permit (VS-116) or appropriate documentation from a government agency to transport body
All documentation should be sent to CVC:
Crime Victim Services
P.O. Box 12198
Austin, Texas 78711-2198