POLICE Department
Medical Care
Compensation may be available to cover a victim’s medical care costs if the care is necessary and crime-related.
What Medical Costs Are Covered?
Medical costs for crime-related injuries may include:
- Hospitalization
- Doctor’s services
- Ambulance services
- Prescriptions
- Dental work
- Nursing home services
- Medical appliances such as wheelchairs and prosthetics
Medical costs are paid at the medical fee guidelines set by the Texas Department of Insurance.
Medical and mental health care costs are considered separately under CVC. If you are receiving mental health care, learn more about compensation for mental health care costs.
Who Can Receive Compensation?
Victims who received crime-related medical care or claimants who paid medical care costs on behalf of a victim may be eligible for compensation.
Compensation Limit
Total compensation is limited to $50,000. Compensation may be limited or unavailable based on laws in effect at the time of the crime. CVC is the last source of payment by law. All other readily available resources must pay before any payment by the program. Learn more about payment sources at Covered Costs.
Related Documentation
As your application is being processed, be prepared to provide copies of:
- Itemized medical bills
- Receipts for paid bills
- Insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
- Medical insurance card (showing coverage effective date)
We will tell you what documentation to mail to CVC and when.
Information for Medical Providers
Once the service is provided, the medical provider may submit to CVC for payment. The bill(s) must be itemized and include the victim’s CVC claim number.
Medical bills must be submitted on either a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Health Insurance (CMS 1500) claim form or a Uniform Bill (UB-04) claim form with a copy of the EOB from the insurance provider. Medical costs are paid at the medical fee guidelines set by the Texas Department of Insurance.
The CMS 1500 or UB-04 must include:
- A patient’s name and address
- Date(s) of service
- Type(s) of service(s) provided (diagnosis and procedure codes)
- A billed amount
- A provider’s license number, federal tax identification number (FEIN or SSN), business address, telephone number, signature or signature stamp, and billing dates
- Collateral source information
The bill(s) on the CMS 1500 and UB-04 forms and any accompanying documentation should be sent to CVC:
Crime Victim Services
P.O. Box 12198
Austin, Texas 78711-2198
Medical providers may receive additional information by phone or online:
- Call (800) 983-9933 between 8am-5pm and select the provider option
- Register for access to our web portal to monitor claim and bill status electronically.