POLICE Department
Relocation Costs for Crime Victims
Compensation for relocation costs may be available for victims of family violence, sexual assault that occurred in the victim’s residence, stalking, or human trafficking.
Once your application is approved, we will work with you to determine what relocation costs are eligible for compensation.
What Relocation Costs Are Covered?
CVC may provide reimbursement for relocation costs such as:
- Rental/pet deposit
- Utility connection fees
- Professional movers or van/truck rental from commercial company
- Transportation costs related to the move
- Up to three months of storage
- Monthly rent
Relocation costs must be incurred within three years of the date of the crime.
Who May Receive Compensation?
Victims, listed above, or claimants on behalf of a covered victim may be eligible for relocation cost compensation.
Compensation Limits
CVC will pay up to $2,000 for moving expenses plus three months of rent, not to exceed $1,800.
CVC will reimburse for one relocation per crime or series of crimes if it involves the same suspect or offender.
CVC is the last source of payment by law. All other readily available resources must pay before any payment by the program. Learn more about payment sources at Covered Costs.
Requesting Payment Before Relocation
If needed, crime victims can request payment of some relocation costs before the move.
Find your intended residence and then submit:
- Relocation and Rental Assistance Acknowledgement
- Relocation Expense Worksheet
- Letter of Intent completed and signed by the landlord
- Payment Affirmation (if applicable)
First payment will include:
- Application fee
- Rental Deposit(s)
- Moving expenses
- First month of rent
Once you move, you must submit to CVC within 30 days:
- Receipts for costs provided up front
- Signed lease agreement
Second/Final payment will include:
- Two more months of rent or remainder of rental limit when all receipts for relocation and a signed lease is received.
Related Documentation
As your application is being processed, be prepared to provide copies of:
- Relocation and Rental Assistance Acknowledgement
- Relocation Expense Worksheet
- Payment Affirmation
- Copy of signed lease agreement or Letter of Intent form
- Receipts related to moving costs
We will tell you what documentation to mail to CVC and when.
Information for Providers
To send payments directly to landlords, CVC must have:
- Completed relocation documents
- Landlord contact information
- Tax Identification Number or Social Security number for landlord
- Documentation from victim or claimant verifying payments directly to landlord
The leasing agreement is a contract between you and the lessee. CVC assumes no responsibility for the terms of the leasing contract. If problems arise, the parties should settle any disputes to include issues of payment in the usual and customary forum for addressing the issues between the two parties. CVC is not a guarantor of payments.