POLICE Department
Sexual Assault Exam Reimbursement
Reimbursement for the forensic and medical costs of sexual assault exams is available through the Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC) Program
A sexual assault exam includes two parts: forensic evidence collection to be used in the investigation of the criminal case and medical care for the evaluation and treatment of injuries. CVC can reimburse both:
- Victims and providers for the medical costs of sexual assault exams; and
- Law enforcement agencies or medical providers for the forensic costs of sexual assault exams depending on date of exam.
Forensic and medical costs are billed separately. Victims cannot be billed for the forensic costs of a sexual assault exam.
Forensic Cost Reimbursement General Info
Sexual Assault Exam
During a sexual assault exam, the medical professional is focused on treatment of the patient and collection of forensic evidence. The provider will:
- Obtain patient’s medical forensic history
Perform head-to-toe exam to assess for trauma
Coordinate treatment of injuries
Document biological and physical findings
Collect evidence from the patient as indicated by history and findings
It is not required to complete every part of the sexual assault exam to be eligible for reimbursement.
Reimbursement Limits
Reasonable costs not to exceed $1,000 for crimes committed after 7/14/2016. For dates of crime before this, other limits will apply.
Reimbursable Costs
CVC will reimburse forensic costs such as examiner fees, place of service fee, exam fees, sexual assault kit, laboratory procedures, and certain other charges.
CVC will not reimburse the following costs:
Forensic sexual assault examination of a suspected perpetrator
Paternity tests
Analysis of victim's clothing, crime scene materials, or objects including weapons
Forensic interviews
Multiple examinations of the same victim for the same crime
Follow up care
Medical treatment
Pharmacy, including take home drugs and self-administered drugs
Travel time
For a detailed review of costs, please see the Sexual Assault Reimbursement Guide (PDF).
Forensic Cost Reimbursement to Law Enforcement (Exams before 9/1/2019)
CVC reimburses law enforcement agencies for the forensic costs of sexual assault exams conducted before 9/1/2019. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within three years of the date of the exam. All law enforcement reimbursement requests must be submitted before 9/1/2022.
To apply for reimbursement, law enforcement agencies must submit:
A completed Sexual Assault Exam Reimbursement Application (PDF)
All bills (must be itemized with the appropriate billing codes or description of charges)
Proof of payment, such as a check copy showing the law enforcement agency paid for the costs of sexual assault exams
Note: The certification section of the application must be signed by an appropriate representative of the law enforcement agency who has knowledge of the facts stated in the verification.
Mail completed application to:
Attorney General of Texas
Crime Victims’ Compensation (009)
Law Enforcement Reimbursement for Sexual Assault Exams
P.O. Box 12880
Austin, Texas 78711-2880
Forensic Cost Reimbursement to Health Care Facilities, SANES, and Sexual Assault Examiners (Exams after 8/31/2019)
CVC reimburses health care facilities, SANEs, and sexual assault examiners (medical providers) for the forensic costs of sexual assault exams conducted after 8/31/2019. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 3 years of the date of the exam. Reimbursement is available for both non-reported sexual assaults and reported sexual assaults.
Medical providers must apply through the Crime Victims’ Compensation Portal for forensic cost reimbursement. Register for access to our web portal to submit reimbursement applications and monitor status electronically.
Law Enforcement Request for Sexual Assault Exam Form
For all reported cases of sexual assault after 8/31/2019, law enforcement must complete an OAG’s Law Enforcement Request for Sexual Assault Exam form indicating whether a sexual assault exam was requested. If one was not, law enforcement must indicate the reasons for declining the request.
A copy of the completed form must be retained by law enforcement and copies provided to the hospital and/or provider and the victim.
Note: The OAG will not process a reimbursement application without a copy of the OAG’s Law Enforcement Request for Sexual Assault Exam form as proof the law enforcement agency requested the sexual assault exam. This does not apply to non-reported sexual assaults or exams conducted before 9/1/2019.
Medical Care Costs to Victims
If medical care is received during a sexual assault exam, victims may be held financially responsible for those associated costs. Find out how victims can apply for reimbursement for medical care costs.