City of Houston Federal Update


African American Mayors AssociationAfrican American Mayors Association

The African American Mayors Association (AAMA) was launched on May 1, 2014, in Washington D.C. with a mission to empower local leaders, advocate for public policies that impact the vitality and sustainability of cities and create a forum to share best practices. Mayor Turner served as a member of the AAMA Advisory Board, as 2nd Vice President, and President.

As Chair, of the AAMA Development Committee, Mayor Turner surpassed previous fundraising records and positioned the organization to engage in lasting impactful work.  In May 2021, Mayor Turner was elected to serve as president of the organization. During his time as president, he prioritized public-private partnerships, economic development, education, affordable housing and making cities across the U.S. more equitable and inclusive.

Click each graphic below for a full-sized version

AAMA Conference Photo 1
AAMA Conference Visit Photo 2