Development Ordinances

Note: All links to ordinances leads to

  • Airport Compatible Land Use Regulations

  • Subdivisions, Development And Platting Ordinance - Chapter 42

  • Tree And Shrub Ordinance, Chapter 33 provides standards for planting trees, shrubs and landscape buffers to beautify the city and to enhance local property values. The ordinance further promotes the greening of Houston by offering incentives to property owners who preserve and protect existing trees on private property.

  • Off-Street Parking Ordinance, Chapter 26 determines the number of parking spaces required on the site of the business or residence.

  • Hotel/Motel Ordinance (Chapter 28-VI. Chapter 28 -Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions) defines and regulates the location of hotels and motels within the city limits. Anyone building a hotel or motel must apply for a Hotel/Motel permit from the Planning Department in addition to a standard building permit. The hotel/motel permit application fee is $200 and an additional $200 if there is a variance.
    The Houston Planning Commission must approve any variances to the Hotel/Motel ordinance. For more information, e-mail

  • Hazardous Enterprises (HAZMAT) requires that upon construction, expansion and use of certain premises that constitute hazardous occupancies under the building code. Permits for the use of hazardous material can only be issued to businesses that are locate in area where one-third of less of the tracts within the test area are being used for residential purposes.

  • Junkyard Ordinance requires that the location of auto storage lots, auto wrecking and salvage yards and lots used for open storage by junk dealers scrap metal processors and second hand dealers are prohibited within 300 feet of a school, church, or residence.

  • Correctional Facilities are facilities used for the housing and rehabilitation or training adults on parole, and early or pre-release. Correctional facilities in the city limits are required to have a permit. For more information, call the Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department at 832.393.8501

  • Manufactured Homes And Recreational Vehicles Ordinance, Chapter 29 regulates the location of manufactured homes, which include mobile homes, and recreational vehicles within the City Limits. Permits applications are available at 1201 Washington Street mobile home parks and manufactured home subdivisions might be required to record a subdivision plat before developing the project./li>
  • Tower Ordinance, Chapter 41, Article III, regulates the location of cellular towers in the city limits. For more information call 832.393.6600. The Tower Commission oversees the requests for cellular tower permits.

  • Historic Preservation Ordinance, Chapter 33.

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