Department of Neighborhoods

Neighborhood Connections

The Department of Neighborhoods manages and partners with several programs that allow residents to engage in their community or area of interest throughout the year. Find opportunities where you can make a difference in your neighborhood here!

Mayor's Citizens' Assistance Office
Citizens' Assistance Neighborhood Liaisons
Citizen's Assistance Liaisons work to improve the quality of life for all Houstonians by promoting City services, encouraging community involvement and participation, handling individual citizen's concerns and supporting neighborhood revitalization efforts throughout the City of Houston. Liaisons work to create a greater quality of life for all Houstonians, feel free to contact them with your questions or concerns. Learn more ...
Civic Association

Civic Association

Civic organizations are networks of community members brought together by a common goal to enhance the well being and welfare of their community. Civic organization members set goals, organize meetings, implement plans of action and promote events that directly benefit their respective neighborhoods.

Examples of civic organizations are tenant associations, neighborhood development organizations, block associations, etc. Learn more ...

Super Neighborhoods Graphic
Super Neighborhoods

A super neighborhood is a geographically designated area where residents, civic organizations, institutions and businesses work together to identify, plan, and set priorities to address the needs and concerns of their community. This creates a manageable framework for community action and allows the City to provide services more efficiently. Learn more ...
Neighborhood Based Innovation
Neighborhood Based Innovation

Civic innovation and technology are changing the ways that cities interact with residents. The Department of Neighborhoods is developing creative strategies that are based on collaboration and built on community needs. Our Neighborhood-Based Innovation Plan is our framework for how we want to deepen the City of Houston’s relationship with residents and improve the quality of life for residents. Learn more ...
Houston Service dot Org
Houston Service

HoustonSERVICE is a valuable tool for Houstonians looking to see what organizations are providing services in the city, as well as volunteer opportunities within those organizations.  We hope this website, will help make Houston one of the most volunteer friendly cities in the country! Learn more ...
Houston Disabilities
Houston Commission on Disabilities

In recognition of the fact that the needs and rights of people with disabilities are of vital concern to the City of Houston, the Houston Commission on Disabilities was created in 1993. The 12 members of the Commission are appointed by the mayor and subject to City Council confirmation.  The Commission is responsible for advising and making recommendations to the mayor, City Council, department directors and the individual designated by the mayor to head the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities. Learn More ...