Department of Neighborhoods
Video Archive
DON 2016 Highlights
2015 Year in Review
Department of Neighborhoods: Improving Quality of Life
Residents Making a Difference in Their Own Neighborhoods
The Department of Neighborhoods works in partnership with civic groups, community leaders and volunteers to clean, beautify and make neighborhoods safer. One of the department’s successes is the Mow-Down Program, an initiative conducted in partnership with Keep Houston Beautiful. The program supports the maintenance of eligible overgrown lots by civic groups with the participation of residents and volunteers. The following video highlights the exemplary efforts of youth who are making a difference in their own communities.
Shine A Light Anti-Human Trafficking Campaign PSA
Mayor Annise Parker, HPD Chief Charles McClelland and Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia
are calling on the community
to Shine a Light on Human Trafficking, September 24, 6:30 p.m.
DON 2014 Year in Review
July 32, 2013 -- Houston Mayor Annise Parker signed a Language Access Executive
Order establishing a policy to improve the delivery of essential information and
services to
Houston’s diverse population.
Make Safe Saturday quarterly neighborhood cleanups target properties with
city code violations.
Put the phone down while you're driving!
Mayor Annise Parker Introduces All-New 311 Help & Info Smartphone App. To view 311’s newly redesigned website, go to www.houston311.org.
Film Highlights (10:00)
An invitation from Houston Mayor Annise Parker (00:30)
Don’t miss the ReelAbilities Houston Disabilities Film Festival 2013, February 6-13, featuring films by and about persons with disabilities at locations throughout the city. To request accommodations 713.667.9336 by January 30.
Ms. Wheelchair Texas Tina Williams delivers an inspiring, eloquent speech at “Unveiling the Faces of Disability,” an event sponsored by the City of Houston Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities and community partners, October 9, 2012, City Hall Annex. Introducing her is Larry Payne, Council Member C.O. Bradford’s Chief-of-Staff.
On October 23, Houston Mayor Annise Parker presented a City Proclamation in observance of “White Cane Safety Day,” which calls attention to the issues and concerns of persons who are blind or visually impaired. The celebration opened with the annual “White Cane Safety Day” march from Main Street at Walker Street to City Hall, followed by speeches, performances and a resource fair. The event was coordinated by the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities in partnership with community agencies and organizations.
Mayor Annise Parker’s 3rd Annual Demo Day took place on May 19, 2012. Houston Contractors Association members donated their services to help kick off the City’s 2012 demolition initiative. Approximately 189 dangerous buildings at locations throughout the city were bulldozed as part of this initiative. Video Courtesy of Braes Oaks Management District.
This HTV News Flash piece on "Re-Pride Sunnyside" -- the clean-up and beautification project that took place on March 31. The target was one to help clean-up and restore one of Houston's oldest predominantly African American neighborhoods. Re-Pride Sunnyside involved the participation of 150 student volunteers from Worthing High School. The project targeted the area bounded by the 610 South Loop. Cullen Boulevard. Reed Road. and Scott Street. Future projects will extend to other parts of Sunnyside.