POLICE Department

Making a Difference

Making a DifferenceMaking a DifferenceMaking a Difference

Read commendations for HPD personnel from the community

Officer Hightower

On the morning of September 3rd, I drove from Dallas to the Polish consulate in Houston to obtain a passport for my forthcoming trip to my native Poland. This was my only chance to obtain the passport, without which I would miss my only opportunity to return home in over ten years. Unfortunately, I missed my exit and had only minutes to spare before missing the appointment. Officer Hightower personally guided me to the consulate, and demonstrated exceptional courtesy throughout my ordeal. I want to thank him for alleviating my anxiety, and for making my trip back to Poland possible.

- B.B.

T. Ramlal and K. Picket

I commend employees Ramlal and Picket for their efforts to go the extra mile to assist me. I retired in 2002, before the Department awarded ribbons. I was referred to these wonderful ladies by the Chief's Office. They researched my records and determined that I qualified for a number of awards. They even mounted them on a ribbon board in the proper sequence. My family is preparing a shadow box reflecting my HPD career. I have terminal cancer and their help was greatly appreciated. They treated me like I was still part of the HPD family. They have positive and pleasant attitudes. HPD should be proud to have civilian employees such as these. Respectfully.

-J. G., Retired Sergeant

Officer A. Day and Officer K. Bigger

We are writing to express our gratitude for the exceptional work of Officer Day ad Officer Bigger of the Houston Police Department. Recently, Officers Day and Bigger responded to a stressful situation in our neighborhood involving a homeless individual who was engaged in drug use and threatening the safety of our residents for the past three months. Office Day and Bigger arrived and immediately showed their professionalism and effectiveness by removing the threatening individual. Officer Day went further, offering his personal cell number to a concerned resident and assuring her that she could reach out if the individual returned. True of his word, we contacted multiple times and each time he and his partner promptly arrived and resolved the situation. What makes their service even more commendable is that, during their personal time, Officers Day and Bigger took it upon themselves to clear out the various belongings and debris left behind by this individual. There selflessness and dedication went above and beyond the call of duty and made the entire neighborhood feel safe and secure again. We are fortunate to have such committed officers serving our city. We believe their actions deserve recognition from the police department. Please extend our sincerest thanks to Officers Day and Bigger for their outstanding service and dedication to the well-being Houston’s residents.

- J.H.

Officer Arrington

Officer Arrington was an exceptional witness. I could tell that he took the task seriously and studied the case prior to taking the stand. He was able to hold his own on cross examination. As someone who has tried numerous murder cases, it was refreshing to have an Officer that was so well prepared. I have had 20-year veteran Homicide Detectives that didn't testify as well as Officer Arrington.

- R.M.

Officer Snider

Dr. Snider worked with my special needs son to help him cope with attending school and help him complete school with a High School Diploma.

Sgt. M. Simon

I would like to thank Sgt. Simon for his assistance in helping CenterPoint Energy with electrical theft cases. My first time working with him, and his DRT Officers was back on 4/11/23. Sgt. Simon has shown great leadership in the way he conducts his business. Sgt Simon has made me a better investigator also during this time. I believe Sgt. Simon is a Great Asset to the Houston Police Department. I look forward to working more cases with him and his Team of Officers.

- K. P.

Officer C. Farmer

My special needs son has an incident with a TSA agent while going thru security. TSA would not budge and the supervisor was not the least bit understanding. Officer Farmer and his partner advocated for our family and I felt they were compassionate and empathetic. We never have had any issues traveling with our son, but he was upset and reacted. I felt as though TSA wanted my son arrested and my son would not have understood what was going on which would have escalated the situation immensely. This situation could have turned into one that would have made the news. If your officers had not been as compassionate, understanding, or not taken the time to truly assess the situation this could have turned out to be a nightmare. While it was not an easy afternoon and we had to find an alternative home, your officers took one less worry away. While the TSA supervisor told us we were never welcomed back, I felt the officers treated us respectfully and for that we will always be grateful.

- F. A.

Officer Garcia

On Saturday night I was eating dinner at Dos Gallos in Humble when a group of line men came in. Officer Garcia was at another table, got up and went over to introduce himself and than the line men for all the hard work they are doing after Hurricane Beryl. I know that thus may seem like a small gesture, but it is the simple things in life. He did not have to do that. He chose to and for that I would like to commend him.

- M. C.

Officer Travis

I want to thank everyone that responded to my call on 07/11/2024. To say that the event was traumatic would be putting it lightly and therefore I was struggling to focus and communicate effectively. Every officer I had contact with that morning expressed sincere compassion and performed with the utmost professionalism. The only name I remember was Travis. I'm not sure what y'all are doing, but you're doing it right. I appreciate you all.

- R. R.

Officer Morrow and Kamyk

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the exemplary professionalism and proactive approach demonstrated by Officer Morrow and Officer Kamyk during today’s protest at Weslayan Tower.

Since March 2024, Weslayan Tower has been facing weekly disruptions due to protests orchestrated by a group targeting the Israeli Consulate. These gatherings have not only hindered access to our parking garage by obstructing the driveway but have also created an intimidating atmosphere for our customers with their use of bullhorns blaring vulgar obscenities and aggressive behavior towards approaching vehicles. The situation has escalated to the point where some patrons fear visiting our premises, current customers complaining, affecting businesses adversely.

Today, however, was markedly different. Upon my arrival, I was pleased to find Officer David Kamyk already on site, anticipating the protest. He’d already contacted Mr. Byrd (off-duty constable) and was ready to go. Their proactive presence, along with the timely arrival of Officer Morrow, swiftly brought the situation under control. Their efficient handling of the matter allowed us to resume business activities without significant disruption. I am truly grateful for their professionalism and dedication to ensuring the safety and security of Weslayan Tower and its patrons. Considering today’s positive outcome, I am hopeful that we can work together to maintain this proactive approach in managing future protests. I believe that increased patrols around Weslayan Tower could serve as a deterrent and contribute significantly to mitigating such disruptions. Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Officers Kamyk and Morrow for their outstanding service today. Please convey my appreciation to them, and rest assured that their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Kind regards,
K. G.

Officer Tran

Officer Tran was on the scene immediately after my dad had a heart attack at Hobby Airport. The next day, she came to the hospital to check on my dad as well as my mom's wellbeing. She helped find my parents' luggage, which had gone on to their final destination, and personally delivered it to us in the hospital. This week she texted my mom to follow up again and make sure my parents were doing ok. Officer Tran was so thoughtful and caring to my whole family. She went above and beyond her duty, and I can't begin to express how much her caring meant to me and my family.

T. B.

Officer E. Hernandez

I am writing in reference to actions taken by Officer Edward Hernandez. Officer Hernandez went above and beyond to assist J. Durfee on May 16th, after he became stranded at the airport. Durfee is the son of Officer Durfee who serves the Germantown Police Department in Tennessee. Officer Durfee relayed the empathy and compassion displayed by Officer Hernandez as well as the actions he took to help a fellow officer were exceptional and worthy of commendation. I express my gratitude and the gratitude of our staff to Officer Hernandez and hold him up as an example of how we should treat each other, especially within our profession. Thanks to the Houston Police Department for fostering a culture which promotes this level of service.

Best regards,
R. M. Fisher , Chief of Police, Germantown Police Department

Officer R. Martins

I would like to commend one of your officers. This event happened back in January, but I haven’t forgotten the professionalism and kindness Officer R. Martins showed at the scene.

I was backed into by a commercial truck who was obstructing traffic and backing up in an unsafe manner. Officer Martins apologized for the time it took for him to respond (it was raining; I can only imagine what else was going on in Houston). He explained to me that the police generally did not respond to non-accident emergencies, which is understandable. He collected both drivers’ insurance info and DLs and filled out the information exchange for us. When he returned, it was obvious from the words spoken by the commercial truck driver that he was going to blame me for the accident. Officer Martins recognized immediately this would be a problem for me, and said, “Actually, I am going to fill out a police report”. He came back with the information as well as a citation for the truck driver, and said, “You don’t get it; this is completely your fault.” His actions assisted me in getting the commercial truck’s insurance to pay to fix my car. Had he just gotten in his car and left, I can’t imagine how it would have gone for me. The damage to my car was extensive, costing over $8000 to repair. Also, had I been only a foot further back when he initiated the truck moving, I would have been severely injured. The truck driver was not taking proper precautions for operating such a large truck in reverse. I can’t thank Officer Martins enough for his quick assessment of the situation and holding the driver accountable for his poor judgement.


Officer Diaz

I wanted to thank Officer Diaz for his kindness to me today. He escorted me and my car off of busy I-10 freeway this morning. Where there is no shoulder to even change a flat. I’ve not ever had this happen to me in 30 years of commuting to work. I was on my way to work and my tire blew out. Officer Diaz was “a GOD send”. He got me off the freeway and changed my tire. I am so thankful Officer Diaz was on duty this morning. I so appreciate his kindness. I wanted to do something for him. I didn’t know if I could offer him cash or not where he could of at least bought his lunch today. I hope this shout out reaches the best person to let him know I sent this Thank You note.

Thank God for our Police Officers 😊!


Officer Parra

I would like to personally thank Officer Parra for assisting me on the evening of Friday, May 10th, 2024. As I had experienced a car issue Officer Parra was very comforting in arriving and staying on scene until the wrecker driver came. He proceeded to attend until reaching the gas station. This act of genuine kindness is truly appreciated. Thank you for the warm conversation, best wishes always & God bless you!

C. J.

Office Padilla

My truck was stolen on May 9th in Tomball. I had a hidden tracker in the vehicle and identified the truck was parked at the Ashford Stancliff apartments in southwest Houston. Officer Padilla contacted me and asked where exactly on the map the tracker was pinging for my truck. He got eyes on and waited for about 3 hours for anyone to come and get into the truck. No one showed. He asked if I'd want to come pick it up, he waited the 45 minutes for me to arrive and reclaim it. The fact that he was at the truck so quickly, in constant communication with me, as well as willing to wait for me to get there was amazing in a stressful situation. If it wasn't for his quick action, I would not have gotten my truck back. He absolutely impressed me with his professionalism and definitely helps HPD be seen in a positive light. Keep up the good work!


Officer L. Estrada

Dear HPD,
I would like to commend Officer Luis Estrada for his exceptional professionalism and dedication to duty during my recent ride-along experience. Officer Estrada demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring my safety throughout the ride-along, and I greatly appreciate his efforts in this regard. Moreover, Officer Estrada took the time to educate me about various aspects of his job, providing valuable insights into the daily challenges and responsibilities faced by law enforcement officers. His willingness to share his knowledge and expertise was truly commendable and enhanced my understanding of the important work done by the police force. Officer Estrada's professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the police department. I am grateful for the opportunity to have observed him in action and commend him for his outstanding service. Regards,


Sgt.. B. Owdley, Sgt. E. Carr, Officer T. Johnson

I would like to commend Sgt. Bruce Owdley, Sgt Eric Carr and Officer Thurston Johnson, for their exemplary leadership and teaching during the recent Black Law Enforcement Association (BLEA) Positive Law Enforcement Certificate Program held at Texas Southern University. Throughout the five-week program, these officers demonstrated a steadfast commitment to creating a safe and effective learning environment. Their encouragement of questions from the class and their incorporation of role-playing exercises in various scenarios about positive interactions with law enforcement greatly enriched our learning experience. Their dedication and expertise helped me graduate from the course with a deeper understanding and knowledge of how, as a Houston citizen and TSU professor, I can contribute to fostering better relations in community policing. Their leadership has undoubtedly equipped me and my fellow participants with the tools necessary to impact our city and its citizens positively.

G. N.

Officer Estrada

As part of the CPA, I was fortunate to be able to have a ride-along with Officer Estrada at the Northeast Station. During this time, he went out of his way to explain the many things the officers have to make decisions on along with the impact on the community for these decisions. His knowledge, background and style of communication are great attributes for the department and police in general. He exposed me to as many situations as he was able to do and would go into detail with each one. In my time with him, it was obvious to me he didn’t take this assignment as just another duty he was required to do. In observing Officer Estrada with the community that he interfaced with, he certainly presents the positive image police need to have. I appreciate being able to have a ride-along and equally thankful Officer Estrada was the person I rode with.

A. J

Officer Degiovanni

I am participating in the Citizenship Police Academy and was able to do a ride along as part of the program. I was lucky enough to have DJ as my sponsor on May 4 from 2-10 PM. It was a great experience and he was a great role model for the HPD. We can only hope all of our officers take after his example and leadership.

T. M.

Officer Patterson

My husband and I were at the Rolling Stones Concert NRG Stadium on Sunday April 28. Once the concert was over, we tried endlessly to find our car and continued to get turned around.

We had asked several attendants with no luck, when we stumbled across a female police officer who had actually just got off from working at the concert. We told her our dilemma and she unselfishly helped us find our car. I mean she went out of her way, above and beyond. She said she would hope someone would help her parents if they were in the same situation. All we want is to tell her thank you. It was such an honor to have had her to help us. She was so polite and respectful.

Thank you Officer Patterson K.C. & B.C.


Please pass our deepest thanks to the motorcycle officers with the Houston Police Department who assisted with funeral procession traffic on Saturday, April 13, 2024. The route was very long from Jeter Memorial Funeral Home in Friendswood to Rosewood Cemetery in Humble and the procession was a lot of vehicles. The officers were so efficient, well trained, professional and did a beautiful job. It was something I have never seen at such a level and was so comforting not to have to worry about the situation as we dealt with grief and sorrow over the loss of the young man and tried to comfort the three young people in our car. I am a retired police dispatcher from Michigan and have worked with many departments and officers in my 32 year career and I have never been more proud or appreciative to be part of law enforcement as I was watching the precision work of your officers. I wish I had their names to thank each personally but hope they will see this email. I will continue to pray for the safety of those fine officers in a career which doesn't get nearly enough thanks or credit, especially these days. Thank you so much!


Officer J. Gould and Officer M. Daniel

Officer J. Gould and Officer M. Daniel are the epitome of Excellence in police officers. They both went above and beyond in locating my stolen vehicle even after the tracking system was ripped out. They remained focused, knowledgeable, and committed. Only through the effective combined use of the license plate reading system, camera system, and their intimate knowledge of their territory, these dedicated officers were able to locate and recover my GMC Sierra Denali. It is the second one I have had stolen in 4 years and only through the dedication and dogged determination of these officers, were we able to recover the vehicle. They were both exceptionally professional and committed and I can't express my gratitude enough. If there is anything I can do to assist in some type of recognition in an often thankless profession, please let me know and I would be more than happy to do whatever I can to encourage, reward and praise these excellent Officers.

- D. R.

Sgt. Herndon

Sgt. Herndon contacted me after I reached out about a shooting incident at Almeda and Oakdale. We discussed the issue and he said he would look into adding more patrols. He was kind, caring and focused on solutions. Thank you Sgt. Herndon!

- S.K.

Officer A. Qureshi

This Narrative is from Islamic Propagation Foundation (I.P.F.) and shall serve as a letter of recommendation for duty officers along with Mr. A. Qureshi. As a board member / Trustee / Treasurer of the above non-profit Texas organization, I want to thank HPD for the continuous support to our organization with their Professional Officers, specially A. Qureshi. Throughout many years, all these officers have professionally helped our organization and its members with safety, security and guidance in all aspects of their duty. In addition, currently during the Spiritual holy Islamic month of Ramadan (03/12/24- 04/11/24), all duty officers have been helping our organization in a very dedicated manner, which has been highly praised by all our members and volunteer teams.

Once again, we are very appreciative towards the service(s) provided by all respected officers during these holy month and in the past. Thank You.

- J.R.

Officer J. Quezada

Officer Quezada responded very promptly (under 10 minutes) to a burglary follow-up. My storage unit, had been broken into from the wire mesh ceiling during the morning hours between 4 and 5AM. He came with myself and the property manager to view the storage unit, which we opened via the access door. Officer Quezada quickly spotted an empty tote bag with a SIG SAUER logo, and he helped me to identify that a range bag was missing.

- N. M.

Officer Tapia

I want to commend Officer Tapia for his attention to details and his exceptional accuracy in reporting case information. I consider Officer Tapia a thought-leader of the best (heroic) police practices for investigations. One (of many) case examples: Officer Tapia came to my home on a Saturday with a detective to show me photos of a suspect line-up. Officer Tapia walked more than 100 feet away from me and turned around in order to not bias me. Officer Tapia is a Good Cop and Mr. Tapia would be a wise choice for teaching a master class to LEOs in the challenges of police investigations. Officer Tapia does not cut corners on case details and avoids confirmation bias. I commend Officer Tapia for his exceptional work as a police officer. Thank you Houston Police Department for choosing the right people to Police us, and to Serve and Protect!"

- C. S.

Officer A. Yzquierda

Officer Yzquierda was very quick to respond to a theft from our music shop. In addition to his expeditiousness, he was very friendly! We would like to commend him on his dedication and professionalism! Stay safe, sir!

- M. H.

Officer A. Masters

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the professionalism and courtesy displayed by Officer Masters following a car accident I was involved in . Officer Masters arrived promptly at the scene and immediately took control of the situation. He was calm and reassuring, which helped alleviate the stress of the situation for myself and the other parties involved. Throughout the interaction, Officer Masters was professional and courteous, clearly explaining the next steps and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. I was particularly impressed by his clear communication, attention to detail, and helpfulness in walking through the dealing of the accident. Overall, Officer Masters' conduct went above and beyond the call of duty. Their professionalism and compassion during a difficult situation was greatly appreciated.

- A.P.

Officer Hendon and Officer Paramar

My car was totaled in a wreck the morning of 2/5/24 by a man who ran a red light. Officer Hendon was in charge of the incident, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated her calm approach and her professionalism . She was very kind and helpful to me. Officer Paramar was also there, and I appreciated his support for Officer Hendon's investigation. I am grateful to the officers and to the HFD and EMT folks who came to make sure everything was handled and that I was taken care of. Thanks for all y'all do for us.

- Z.K.

Officer K. Hayes

I would like to thank Officer Hayes for carrying out his duties in such a way as to make sure I was okay, and my possessions were protected. I was involved in a major vehicle accident on 2-7-2024. Both parties were transported to the ER. Officer Hayes inventoried my vehicle before it was towed and found my house keys and credit cards in my vehicle console. He delivered them to the ER nurse so that I had them before I was discharged. What may seem like a simple task made a world of difference to me in an otherwise very difficult day. Officer Hayes obtained the other driver's insurance information for me and provided me with explanations of the accident report process. He was kind and compassionate and I truly appreciated his service.

With great appreciation, thank you from –

- M. A.

Chief T. Finner

I am visiting Houston from North Carolina, just wanted to acknowledge the professional manner in which Chief Finner handled the press conference held Monday February 12, 2024 regarding shooting at Lakewood Church. Kudos to Chief Finner for his expertise in managing the press conference. May GOD continue to bless his hard work and commitment to excellence.

- A.E.

Commander M. Collins

I brought my 98 year old father to a program, and Commander Collins helped him get in/out of the building and in/out of the car, even offering to get him a wheelchair which as so much appreciated. He’s done this for us before and I can’t thank him enough for his respectfulness and attentiveness. He’s a wonderful part of HPD.

- L. S.

Officer A. Mansour

I appreciate the amazing service and the officer's quick response to an 18-wheeler single crash that occurred in front of my house. The truck driver knocked out the powerlines/telephone wires and light pole. I commend HPD Officer A. Mansour for his passion and commitment to keep our Second Ward streets safe from big rigs. Love Joy and North Eastwood Street was blocked for the safety of the residents and students who attend Ripley House. Officer Mansour listened to my concerns and complaints about the big rigs using our residential streets. Overall, great customer service skills from the officer.

- M. S.

Commander Becker

I am writing to express my profound appreciation for the outstanding leadership and service provided by Commander Becker and his team in our community, specifically in the Val Verde area (St. George Place). As the President and a member of the Homeowners' Association, I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact of Commander Becker's actions, and I felt it was imperative to bring this to your attention.

Over the past few years, our community has faced significant challenges, particularly with ongoing disturbances in the Val Verde cul-de-sac caused by Galleria Food Truck Park and its visitors. The situation had escalated to a point where the safety and peace of our neighborhood were consistently compromised. Commander Becker's intervention in these matters has been nothing short of exemplary. His ability to assess, strategize, and execute a plan of action swiftly has led to a dramatic improvement in the quality of life in our area.

Recently, under Commander Becker's direction, a critical operation was conducted to address the long-standing issues related to the Galleria Food Truck Park. His team's approach was not only efficient and effective but also demonstrated a high level of professionalism and sensitivity towards the concerns of our community. For the first time in many years, we experienced a peaceful night without the fear of disturbances – a change that has brought immense relief and gratitude from all residents.

Commander Becker's leadership skills, combined with his dedication to duty and his genuine concern for the community, make him a remarkable asset to your department. His actions have not only restored peace but have also strengthened the bond of trust between the residents and the local law enforcement. It is leaders like him who inspire confidence and respect for the police force among the public.

I believe such dedication and success should be recognized and celebrated. Commander Becker's efforts have significantly enhanced the public's perception of the police force in our area, and I am confident that his approach could serve as a model for other communities facing similar challenges.

On behalf of the St. George Place community, I extend our heartfelt thanks to Commander Becker and his team. We are profoundly grateful for his service and hope to see his exemplary work acknowledged and appreciated at all levels of your department.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for supporting leaders like Commander Becker, who make a real difference in the lives of the communities they serve.

Sincerely, - K.M.

Lt. K. Peters and Officer E. Shephard

I just wanted to commend both of these officers for having a positive voice for the HPD during a time when police officers are often overlooked or treated like a nuisance in our city. At a recent lunch conference, I had the pleasure of hearing them provide honest, thoughtful commentary about the human side of the police force while also not being afraid to share their faith to the citizens they serve.

- T.W.

Officer A. Qureshi

Officer Qureshi responded to my car crash and I was impressed by his efficiency and compassion. I’ve never been in an accident before and had any interaction with police and was really impressed with the professionalism from HPD. Officer Qureshi was calm, balance, and got everyone back on their way quickly. Thank goodness no one was injured, but he made the process as easy as it could and I do appreciate his services.

- S.S.

Officer Haynes

Officer Haynes was extremely pleasant and caring. He helped me feel better when I was noticeably shaken up by my minor car accident. The way he treated me and talked to me surpassed all expectations. It was something I felt needed to be commended. It's hard to find people who care, and he showed that he does. I wasn't just another call he had to respond to. I was a person.

- A.M.

Officer I. Beall

I am writing to express my gratitude for the exceptional performance of one of your officers. I recently had an incident that prompted me to seek assistance from the Houston Police Department.

On January 2, 2024, I was returning from a Christmas trip to Florida via United Airlines flight. After disembarking used the facilities. As I arrived at Ground Transportation, I realized that I had left my purse with my airline ticket, phone, car keys, and all my identification in the restroom stall. Despite my immediate efforts upon realizing the mistake, airport security protocols prevented me from re-entering the area for ticketed passengers. The United Airlines and TSA agents advised me the only option left for me was to file a claim with the Houston Police Department office at terminal B, which I promptly did. The officers at the IAH office were not only efficient but also remarkably compassionate, going above and beyond the call of duty. They made numerous calls to their colleagues in an attempt to assist me. I must particularly commend Senior Police Officer I. Beall. Recognizing my distressed state, she took it upon herself to navigate the complex procedures involved in retrieving my belongings. Officer Beall even called my phone, reaching a United Airlines employee who provided crucial information on the necessary steps to reclaim my possessions.

As Officer Beall explained the procedures, she observed my confusion and took charge, escorting me through elevators, walkways, trains, and escalators to United's lost and found. Despite encountering difficulties with an uncooperative United Airlines employee, Officer Beall persisted in explaining the necessary steps and ensuring a resolution. When faced with further challenges, Officer Beall sought assistance from the main United Airlines help desk, where we met a United Airlines representative. Displaying exceptional kindness, used his phone to contact the gate and personally retrieved my belongings from Gate 1 across several terminals. Throughout this process, Officer Beall remained by my side, foregoing her lunch break to provide support. Despite my attempt to express my gratitude by offering to buy her lunch, Officer Beall humbly declined. In light of this extraordinary experience, I felt compelled to reach out and commend Officer Beall for embodying the principles of "protect and serve." Her unwavering patience, focus on solutions not blame, and professionalism make her a true credit to law enforcement.

I kindly request that you convey my heartfelt appreciation to Officer Ina Beall on my behalf. She has undoubtedly left a lasting positive impression, and I believe such dedication deserves recognition.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

- K.D.