The City of Houston is the City of Second Chances. The City follows the statues of Ban the Box Law. Each City Department/Division has reviewed and determined their respective criminal background lookback period in order to set parameters protecting employees and citizens.

The City hosts numerous job fairs and accessible resources that provides career opportunities and thus great assistance to the development of the community.


The Ban the Box Law prevents state agencies from asking about an applicant's criminal background until the interview stage. The law gives the prospective employee an opportunity to present themselves to a potential employer.

And for employer to hear and see the complete person and focus on their positive aspects of skills, experience and education requirements.


The Criminal Background Lookback period is established by each of the City Departments/Divisions and is determined based on the length of time since the conviction and the duties and task of the role for which the candidate is being considered to perform.

A criminal background check is utilized when filling any vacancy such as new hire, re-hire, promotion, transfer or demotion. The Criminal Background information reviewed includes felony and misdemeanor convictions. Candidates sign a Certify and Submit form authorizing the City of Houston to check background information for employment purposes.


Turnaround Houston! is an initiative to address the barriers to employment that many Houstonians face.

Turnaround Houston will offer access to job training, resume writing, career wardrobe assistance, tattoo removal, social service agencies, educational institutions, counseling and intervention to help hard to employ Houstonians turn their lives around.


The Community Re-Entry Support Network Program is a program that supports ex-offenders in their transition of becoming successful, productive, contributing members of the Houston community.

The Community Re-Entry Network Program is a program of the Houston Health Department. Our caring, multi-disciplinary staff is committed to addressing the needs of the “whole” person with innovative, evidence-based programming and linkage to services designed to meet the needs of formerly incarcerated persons, and interrupting the cycle of recidivism.

Department Information

611 Walker, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77002